Hardy Garden Club
since 1913
Baltimore, MD

Upcoming Events
May Meeting &
Spring Horticulture Show Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
9:30 Coffee and Lite Fare
8:00 - 9:45 Placing and Passing of Entries
10:00 Speaker - TBD
10:15 Judging
11:00: Meeting
12:00: Show and Lunch
St. John's Episcopal Church, Western Run,
3738 Butler Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136
Hardy Garden Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2021
Meeting opened by President, Debbie Kurz
Old Business
Pat Ghingher presented the Medal of Merit to Carol Warner for 40 years of service to the Hardy Garden Club.
New Business
Joan Moore, VP and Program Chair, distributed new show entry cards.
Debbie Kurz
Reviewed the new program books that were distributed to members and thanked Gretchen Carroll for her good work on both the program books and the website.
Thanked Joan Moore for her great job in creating this years’ program schedule.
Noted, per Debbie, that several meetings will be virtual and all meetings are subject to change as the Covid situation requires.
Wendy Smith, Olmstead Project Chair, reported on opportunities regarding a celebration of Frederick Law Olmsted through Zone VI plans and a discussion of ideas that Hardy might pursue.
Gina Dowgiewicz, VP and Community Projects Chair, spoke of outreach plans for the club
A collection of needed clothing items will be collected at various members homes and be delivered to Healthcare for the Homeless.
GEDCO asked for help weeding a small raised bed. Volunteers names were taken.
A decision for possible May workshop to create Mother’s Day flower centerpieces for Stadium place was placed on hold until later in the year.
Anne Donnell Smith gave a talk on Hort show entry tips and distributed horticulture notes to each member. She stressed grooming, early conditioning and properly filling out entry cards. She also suggested the use of card pins for identifying collection entries. Anne brought plants for members to take for free.
Debbie Kurz reminded members that September 21st is the last day to register for the virtual Shirley Meneice conference to be held September 22-23.
Paris Warfield, Hostess Coordinator, asked that members review hostess assignments and reminded all that they are responsible for finding a sub if needed and failing that, call her for help.
Our thanks to Fran Flanigan and Kate Groom for their generous contribution of refreshments.
Pat Ghingher, Treasurer, noted the payment of the GCA dues, the weeding of the rain garden bed and the purchase of flowers for 3 members who had family members pass.
Donna Reid, Conservation Chair, spoke about plans for the club to focus on clean water as the conservation plan for the coming year.
There was a sign up sheet for the Mt. Cuba Center trip on October 13; cost is $17 for admission and $17 for a boxed lunch.
Debbie Kurz thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Jordan, Recording Secretary