Hardy Garden Club
since 1913
Baltimore, MD

Upcoming Events
May Meeting &
Spring Horticulture Show Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
9:30 Coffee and Lite Fare
8:00 - 9:45 Placing and Passing of Entries
10:00 Speaker - TBD
10:15 Judging
11:00: Meeting
12:00: Show and Lunch
St. John's Episcopal Church, Western Run,
3738 Butler Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136
Hardy Garden Club Meeting
October 19, 2021
Irvine Nature Center
Debbie Kurz, President opened the meeting welcoming everyone to the Hardy Fall Horticultural Show.
Guests, Molly Coffay and Tessa Mullins, the daughter of member Wendy Smith were introduced.
Joan Moore introduced Speaker Carrie Engel of Valley View Farms. Carrie gave a detailed presentation of appropriate plants for the shade garden. Those wishing further information can contact her at carrie@valleyviewfarms.com.
New Business
Congratulations to Pat Ghingher on becoming a fully approved horticultural judge. Also in the program working to become judges are Sherry Jordan and Leslie Aronson.
Pat Ghingher’s presentation on watersheds will be postponed until the November meeting and will be combined with Fran Flanigan’s assessment of local water quality.
Donna Reid, Conservation Chair, reminded the group that there is still time to register on the GCA site for the Nov. 17thConservation study.
5 members of Hardy participated in planting trees with 21 other volunteers from 5 area clubs at the Hampton Mansion.
Community Projects
Gina Dowgiewicz, Community Projects Chair, spoke about the ongoing plan to provide new men’s or women’s sweat pants, sweat shirts and or underwear to Healthcare for the Homeless. Drop off days are Nov. 1- 20 at Gina’s, Joan Moore’s or Debbie’s.
Epiphany House project, A GEDCO property for low income disabled seniors is in need of help to manage a small garden on the property. Members signed up to help and will meet at Epiphany House, 5610 York Road, November 10 at 11:00am.
Due to the possibility of Covid break-through infections there will be no indoor decorating of the Manor house at the Ladew Topiary Gardens. Instead our club will create and donate two outdoor wreaths that will be displayed and sold. Assembly will take place at Maria Eagan’s.
December program
The planned Christmas tea at Debbies’s house is cancelled due to the ongoing Covid risks. Instead there will be a Zoom demonstration with Jennifer Lin.
Items and Dates of Note
Handouts for creating a seed bomb were available on the registration table
Videos on demand for GCA’s Flower Flash about NYC designer, Lewis Miller are now online.
A yearbook page correcting Wendy Smith’s information was distributed.
The Maryland Daffodil Society bulb sale will take place on November 13th at 10am at the Greenhouse classroom at Cylburn Arboretum. Bulbs are $5 a bag. Baltimore City Covid safety rules apply and reservations are required. RSVP by November 10th to Sherry Jordan at sherryjordan23@gmail.com.
Next meeting will be via Zoom on November 9th at 10am, the zoom link will be sent out the day before and the morning of the meeting. The speaker will be Dr. Sara Via on climate friendly Landscape gardening.