Hardy Garden Club
since 1913
Baltimore, MD

Upcoming Events
May Meeting &
Spring Horticulture Show Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
9:30 Coffee and Lite Fare
8:00 - 9:45 Placing and Passing of Entries
10:00 Speaker - TBD
10:15 Judging
11:00: Meeting
12:00: Show and Lunch
St. John's Episcopal Church, Western Run,
3738 Butler Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136
Baltimore County Agriculture Center
1114 Shawan Rd. Cockeysville, MD 21030
Leslie Aronson, Chair 410-718-6545
Tuesday October 11, 2022
Passing of Entries: 8:00 - 9:30am
Placement of Passed Entries: 8:00 - 9:45am
Judging: 10:00am
Show: 12:00pm
Please Note: All entries should be ready for passing no later than 9:15am
The HALLIE CARRINGTON BRENT AWARD, presented to the member with the newest or most unusual horticulture specimen in a designated show during the year, MAY BE PRESENTED AT THIS SHOW.
Horticulture Schedule
All specimens should be displayed in green or clear glass containers.
Section I – Blooming Annuals and Tender Perennials
Single stem
Collection of 3 stems, 3 varieties (See Hort. Rule 10)*
Section II – Chrysanthemums
A. Spray - garden varieties, single stem
Spray - minimum length 8 inches containing at least 3 flowers
Section III – Blooming Perennials and Biennials (other than Chrysanthemums)
A. Single Stem
1. Under 6 inches
2. 6 inches or more
B. Collection of 3 different varieties, (See Hort. Rule 10)*
1. Under 6 inches
2. 6 inches or more
Section IV – Dahlias
A. Single specimen - to be exhibited with 2 sets of leaves
1. Large - over 6 inches in diameter with one bloom
2. Small - 4 to 6 inches diameter with one bloom
3. Miniature - under 4 inches in diameter with one bloom
4. Spray - 3 or more blooms under 4 inches in diameter
B. Collection of 3 different varieties, (See Hort. Rule 10) *
Section V – Fall Blooming Bulbs, Tubers, Corms or Rhizomes
(other than Dahlias)
A. Single specimen - Re-blooming Bearded Iris
B. Single stem - any other
Section VI - Roses, Any type
A. Single Stem disbudded
B. Spray
Section VII - Variegated Foliage Plants (under 18” from cut to tip)
(See Hort. Rule 10)*
A. Collection of 3 stems, 3 varieties of woody plants
B. Collection of 3 stems, 3 varieties of any other type plants - perennials, tropicals, tender perennials, annuals, hosta etc.
Section VIII- Perennial Ferns (See Hort. Rule 10)*
A. Collection of 3 fronds of the same variety staged in a single container
B. Single frond displaying prominent spores
C. Collection of 3 different varieties
Section IX – Shrubs and Trees (not less than 12” or more than 30” from cut to tip)
A. Fall color
1. Acer (Maple)
2. Other
B. Berried branches (a branch displaying berries or fruit)
1. Ilex - deciduous
2. Ilex - evergreen
3. Other
C. Winter buds*
* Rhododendrons may be less than 12inches and should be exhibited showing a single truss with a foliage skirt
D. Blooming
Section X- Vines - Berries, Blooming or Fall Colored Foliage
Section XI - Needled Evergreens/Conifers (not less than 12” or more than 30” from cut to tip)
Single branch
Collection of three different conifers staged in 3 individually labeled containers. (See Hort. Rule 10)*
Section XII - Cut Specimens (not to exceed 20 inches)
Collection of a minimum of 3 different and no more than 6 cut specimens from the exhibitor’s garden. The specimens will be arranged in a single quart size clear glass container (mason jar). (See Hort. Rule 10)*
Flowering; each stem must have at least one open bloom
Combination of any type specimen from the exhibitor’s garden.
Section XIII - Seedpods (See Hort. Rule 10)*
A. Collection of 3 different seedpods from this year’s growing season exhibited in one container. Stalks should not exceed 30 inches from cut to tip.
Section XIV – Container grown
Container should not exceed 20” in any direction of inside measure. A saucer under the container is desirable.
A. Single plant
B. Multiple plants in one container - Please provide a key for the identity of each plant and include it on the entry card.
See Hort rule #2 - Recommend length of ownership on entry card.
Section XV – Par Class An exhibit of outstanding horticultural merit, not eligible for inclusion elsewhere in the horticulture schedule (see Hort. Rule 8).
* Horticulture Rule 10
Collections: Unless otherwise noted, specimens in a collection should be placed in separate containers with a small, individual name label near each one. The collection and the labels should be placed together with a regular entry card that lists the names of all specimens. Collections less than 6” may be placed in a single container, but still require both identifying label and entry card.